January – Clearing Your Workspace
Start fresh by decluttering your physical and digital environments. By the end of the month, you’ll have a clean, inviting workspace that energizes and motivates you.
February – Organizing Information with PARA
Learn the PARA Method (Projects, Areas, Resources, Archives) and create a tailored structure that ensures everything you need is exactly where you can find it.
March – Choosing Your Tools
Confidently select and adapt tools to fit your needs, whether you’re building your system from scratch or refining what you already have.
April – Streamlining Communication
Eliminate inefficiencies and create workflows that make emails, messages, and team collaboration effortless.
May – Getting Things Done
Develop reliable systems for managing tasks, reviews, and calendars, so you can focus on your highest-impact work.
June – Starting & Following Through on Projects
Master project management essentials—break big projects into manageable steps and consistently deliver results.
July – Resetting Your System at Mid-Year
Recalibrate your systems, refine your workflows, and set yourself up for a strong second half of the year.
August – Leveraging AI
Explore how AI can enhance decision-making, automate tasks, and supercharge your productivity.
September – Running Effective Meetings and Calls
Learn how to design and lead meetings that drive action, clarify objectives, and foster collaboration.
October – Building Your Internal Knowledge Base
Create actionable SOPs and a knowledge base that simplify delegation, onboarding, and team intelligence.
November – Optimizing Your Tools
Fine-tune your toolkit to align with your goals and prepare for the challenges ahead.
December – Reviewing Your Year & Planning Ahead
Reflect on your progress, celebrate your wins, and plan for the future with clear goals and a stronger system.
經過幾天的思考,重新整理了一個簡單、新的架構,發現好像又可以回到 Agenda,將專案以及生活回歸到一個本質「文字」,然後用筆記主導進度。
認真想想 Agenda 其實有許多讓我思考的點,所謂的思考,就是好像沒有這麼好的挑戰,例如:
所以經過一年多的時間,反反覆覆之後,開始重新回到 Agenda 上面,管理所有自己的一切事項。不過有最大的改變是,我現在沒有使用子彈筆記系統,而是更專注在專案的管理。
認真的看一篇英文教學文章,討論 wish 跟 hope 的差異,內容很豐富,但是總感覺型文上面難以閱讀。網路閱讀型態看起來已經改變,漸漸地行文方式也要有所對應。
培養習慣的重點在於「出現(show up)」,持續力不在於我們選擇明天要不要放棄,而在於我們是不是提醒自己每一天都在出現。
Two rules to help you be consistent with exercise this year: Show up.You can quit tomorrow. Repeat.
剛好想到看過的一篇文章,回顧幾往往設定很多「提醒」,但其實都沒有以「出現」為一個依歸,例如:我設定每天晚上 8:40 要寫日記,但其實那時候的我沒有規定自己出現在「可以寫日記的情境之中」。
Stick to the basics: Be reliable.Do your job.Speak for yourself.Outcome over ego.Focus on the details.See challenges as opportunities.Go to bed smarter than when you woke up.
找了很久想要美麗呈現表格的工具,都沒有能夠直接將 Markdown 轉成美觀的表格,直到很晚的時候才靈機一動,想著對耶有 Marp,馬上嘗試了一下,我覺得大概已經是有超過六成的及格。
今天開啟了一個大型的計畫,利用 Bear 筆記軟體 14 天訂閱前的適用,想要同時比較 Agenda / Bear / UpNote 三個筆記,並在月底能夠做到最夠的定奪。今天使用的情況下,寫了點相關的思考如下。
如果是使用 Bear 的話,跟其他軟體的共通語言就會變成使用 Markdown,不過 Bear 並沒有支援嵌
入外部圖片,這一點跟 UpNote 不太一樣,不過 Agenda 目前也沒有支援嵌入外部的圖片。
UpNote 可以以貼上 Markdown 的方式嵌入外部圖片。
Woke up around 5:00 and stayed in bed for an hour. Good morning, to change the life style.